physics (oh doomed course of the holy testicles) spent the morning and afternoon in the library. The rest I just see Fama * hides * xD And before I go
tell you something funny that happened to me yesterday xDD My friend and fellow library hours left me to my fate so I went into that room all happy with books and shelves. When I arrived at 6 and was almost all full, but hallelujah! there was a table that was only one guy on his back and the seat beside him was free so I went to there. Educacióny all smiles and I say 'sorry, this chair istá occupied ...?' When presto! turning a guy who was some time ago and since we do not get anything right xDD Sure, he raised his head and told me all serious 'No, you can sit down' and I posed the dilemma
" I make me crazy and I'm going home to study and gawk not face the TV or I, step Ely study? Obviously xDD won the second 3 hours were pretty uncomfortable, which we find a friend became more uncomfortable comúny all xD Well, that was my yesterday afternoon. Today I got up and went to the exam an hour earlier than it should. Symptoms of social closure
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