Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dora Party Invitation Template

mined that desempeñaa perfection with total concentration.

Can you imagine the staff of El Bulli - restaurant or other bells - with his nose powdered by coca or laughing loudly by the joke that causes the grass? Is not that right? So why the hell in some places, cooks and waiters snort or smoke a few cheerleading hatched before (or middle) of your job? Why shops, bookstores, supermarkets, buildings, offices, schools, gyms, clinics etc. there are staff who are & ldquo; places "every other day too? Do these places have bull performance in all circumstances, or is that the thing has become such an extent that can not work without the use of drugs? So there is inefficiency in staff need to go to work stoned? A little help, they say. But little help, or what stories! Surely those people who work are allowed certain "freedoms", would the outcry if they knew that the teacher

The issue of drug addiction has reached a point where consumption has become a social necessity. And so things you can imagine the near future with a growing number of addictions that we can not rely or priests (if any left).

high-risk professions such as medical, public transport driver, pilot (air, rail or sea), police, construction workers, laboratories, etc., have in their ranks consumers ¬ suitable for blunt noses. So, each draw their own implications and decide whether you want a society in which we will not know who to trust. Either that, or more stringent criminal laws that force professionals from high-risk groups - the majority - to undergo periodic reviews and analysis in order to ascertain their state of reliability .

Friday, November 19, 2010

Blender Blueprints Raft

I heard the news while surfing through this network of our Quereres: The malware sent via the most diverse methods of personal computers that are ultimately a component of pedophilia, which, as you know, is punishable by the laws of the whole world, which is to say that if you are caught with pedophile material on your machine can condemn to various penalties, depending on the laws in force in each countries , s.
The fact is that evil does not rest and so we must be more to parrots than ever, because, without eating or drinking, you may find the visit by members of the brigade RESEARCHng of crime in the network by calling at the door of your house. Read carefully

agency article I have lost and take the action. Enough of pedophilia
around loose as to involve us who do not have, nor want!, Having nothing to do with those issues that poison our ways, into believing that everything is valid and that the venom is part of the right of every citizen to freedom of expression eleccióny.

know what I think about it: all this is orchestrated by their own "porn merchants" who have hired hackers to them andXC

AP Impact: Viruses stored child pornography on his computer virus-informatico por amoamao AP) - Of all the things that make sinister computer viruses, this could be the worst thing a computer can make Store in a child pornography without their owner being aware, a sickening twist of technology where an innocent surfer may lose its reputacióny lot of money to defend his honor.
Viruses are malicious programs that can steal credit card numbers for someone else to abuse them. Are now able to place photographs and videos on the computers of other pewave and his wife went to court, spending $ 250,000 in attorney fees. Exhausted their savings, took out a second mortgage and sold their car.
An inspection made by the defense revealed that the laptop was severely infected. He was scheduled to visit up to 40 child pornography sites per minute, something impossible for a human. While Fiola and his wife went to dinner one night, someone entered his computer and pornography streamed in an hour and a half. Prosecutors made another test and confirmed the results of the defense. The charge was dropped, almost 11 months after que was filed.

"ruined my life, my wife's life and the lives of my family," said Fiola.

At any given time, about 20 million of the 1,000 million Internet-connected computers worldwide are infected with viruses that could give hackers full control of them, according to the manufacturer of computerized programs ticos security F-Secure Corp. The computers are often infected when the user opens an attachment to an email from an unknown person or visit a malicious page online. The

pedophiles virus can be inserted in several ways. The simplest is obligatorygar to another's computer to visit child pornography sites, collecting images during processing. A computer can be converted into a warehouse for images and videos that can be remotely when the computer is online.

is also possible that some joker or just someone who wants to do harm to enter one of these viruses on your computer, to make it appear that you navigate through illegal Internet sites.

In the first publicly known cases of innocent people become victims, two men in Britain were acquitted in 2003 after itHarvard University. "The problem is that sometimes it is the dog eating your homework."

would be difficult, however, that a pedophile will get away with using the excuse of a fictitious virus, the expert said Jeff Fischbach. Even

careful collectors of child pornography tend to leave incriminating clues, such as emails and DVDs. No lawyer who uses the excuse of the virus may explain the existence of such evidence, said Damon King, attorney for the Child Obscenity Unit Explotacióny U.S. Justice Department.

Anyway, the fact is that, Desktop search, n has even more illicit material has not been discovered yet.

"Just because it's there does not mean that a person wanted to be there, whatever it is, including child pornography," he admitted.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bridal Shower Cleaning Invite My story with Harry Potter

Well ... not lying to say I do not remember exactly what day it all started, I remember I was 9 years ... It must be about my birthday or Christmas, my you to give me the first book and the truth is that when you open a book and see me happy, because reading is something very special to me but when I read it from behind: Go fuck book have given me but said nothing . Later my aunt

I wonder what I had thought I was still reading it, and told him that was great. Weeks later my cousin came and told me: What book coolest whenLesson three Harry Potter book, my mother looked at me weird because I knew that I liked and I said okay, but as you read ...

I read and I must say that I love in a brutal, as he had never loved him ; a loved a book (not counting the endless history) and those Christmases when my cousin told me about the book I could answer it, knowing exactly what I was talking to me and take me three good feelings. The joy of having served a purpose, to have discovered something amazing and seeing the happy face of my cousin to be able to share that with someone.

What happened after we all know, I was hooking and engaging every time I get the seventh Masythymus book disappointed me. But not in the same way worldwide. Half or more of you are disappointed for the fans 19 years later, well, I will not say because I do not like lying, but what really disappointed me this book was like dying Voldemort. If you tell me who has a thousand and one explanations or who died and for this and never will do that but you do. Never understand as the greatest wizard of all time died on bounce your own spell, sorry but it's something I can never reach more than ... Voldy deserved to die m & aacute; s dignity.

Despite this I do not hold grudges JK and make many fans at all. I know how hard it is to finish a book and not knowing what to give final and you give a lot of laps just never like it and eventually have to leave even the best that I can not convince. Also how difficult it is to say goodbye to characters who have spent many years with you and make the difficult decision to kill them because they are obliged to be things, or give them an ending that is not deserve because you could not do better ... I know it's a lousy excuse but so many times ... Still it is true that a good writer knows how to make thegave all for nothing, wonderful people who today are everything to me and have the best birthday of my life. Thanks JK

Thanks Harry. Thanks World of Harry Potter in general.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Engraved Leather Bracelets Canada Autumn Sun

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The autumn sun is hard, and contrasts in a special way that causes the shadows, more than in summer. Hard but beautiful: its light is harsher than in any other season, as announcing that the year is on track from the shadows of winter.

hurts the eyes that glare is perceived from within, in every object illuminated with a hypnotic appeal that keeps staring at him even unintentionally.

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When that happens introspection is inevitable, getting into a welfare state that very young children naturally enjoy, under any circumstances.

Such is the avoidance of the land, which some people I know, which catches them walking down the street, they have to stop, because otherwise we lose the ability to orientation.

Of course, that sun of which we speak should be noted that fogging cloudless, light and preferably all the mediodía, when it drops almost vertically on people and things.

Sometimes this phenomenon is brought forward in time, occurring as late August or early September as a prelude to the anticipated end of summer. Things change ...

The leaves take longer to fall and even to lose their green than ten years ago, and the sun, with the warming and the ozone hole, retains its force for a longer period.

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is the stage of the lean winter for the textile, but we must remember that for centuries

made their year-round in August and now it is time to balance the scales. Every cloud has a silver lining ... because Nature is wise, and even in the worst conditions always favor someone.

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Hack Into A Dongle

first comedian Pablo Motos, who, before El Hormiguero, was brilliant humor directror programs on radio and stand-up comedian known on the circuit of pubs and other places of "day off."

Faemino surreal humor and tired - not accessible to everyone (notice) - in this sketch entitled Puenting despatarrante retirement. Anthology.

Would you like to know what you think Godoy animals? ... Anything but known.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fluid Around Heart And Enlarged Heart Music Sunday


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How Long Has Miss Sixty Been In Business?

mundoooo Hello to all ....

I know, a long long long time since I know anything about me .... but I think I'm back.

Honestly I think I needed this little Kit Kat, for some, as I have told in private messages, but I think I broke a little pressure, this pressure is invisible but ... the want to read and talk about everything, wanting to write something decent to read so many good things and think that what one writes is painful .. Above

've spent quite a time of change durum.

I will not be every day here, I never want to spend all this obsession of the dayno, kill me, yes, kill me in a sweet and passionate, in a way that at first I did not realize but little by little I was bitter, I ate your head thinking why not was sufficient for him, showing why sometimes I could not live without me and left me lying second after like a dog, I was totally insane before his attitude ... and although I always thought that my love would be enough for both, the truth is that it was not so .. I could not fight more for it, I did not lose my sanity for someone who could not he loved me, and I know I at least want to believe hacíaohe did .. he loved me, loved me.

- Justin you okay? "If you want to leave here and continue the session next week ...

- No, dct. Jefferson ... I've just been on my mind .... now that in a couple of weeks back to Pittsburgh, memories and feelings I had hidden in a part of my head back to the surface .. . and I have fear.

- Scared?

- Yes. Of everything that I can encotraba there .. all these people who I loved at a particular time of my life and I pulled away right away, without any explanation &

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Numb Fingers More Condition_symptoms Iconets!





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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Walgreens Cpht Salaries

Gekka Bijin is a very interesting version of the myth of Princess Kaguya I just find and I will continue (such as maintaining the momentum of the first episode may very well be worth. And if Kaguya has to become a Lady of War as his mother going to be sooo fun: D)

Aratama Tribe is brought the same roll of classical Japanese-futuristic setting, but is much more urban (the guy smells pretty history of police Shirow Dominion did before discovering that charged illustrating Masy currar less. I miss him: _D). Seems to have passed the first phase of staging and will launch the plot principal, which is always a delicate time in a serie ... to see how they develop. For now cool.

Warehouse 13. Yes, I've dropped a number of SyFy summer. From the first season. And what happened pipe me: D has its flaws and glitches, but the tone of comedy I love.

Haven however, that is just beginning as it were, it seems better made. The interaction between characters is best carried (but weakens a little roll monster of the week, but hey, just started, it is normal ...)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Epsom Salt Folliculitis


yaaaaaa over time, q is over this inside me a good time ... I'm sorry sir things, why is it with the feel so so strong. cdo is this to be sorry she hurts my chest and that this is the key! I do to forget, as this goes, what is the remedy for not suffering for love ... as heart ami explioo you already! is gone forever. worthless, the sacrifices I made, the be good, being there for the whole time ... this bastard ...

because I did this rene, porq hurt me this way ... what I done to deserve so much and so much pain ... q I, q I am paying ... potado so bad I have such a bad person ... been or drag a curse of my past life??

lord help me, give me f

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How Does A Man Ejaculate

s talks between drinks with buddies or sex can be mitigated. So and so must be to balance the scales of the cerebral hemispheres that goes crazy with so much rush.
As always in events of great drawing power, who rule our destinies see it as an exceptional platform to assert its popularity, if not to throw more or less underground meetings, or (in the case of ruling party ) to "postpone" a few weeks to social pressure and divert attention from the goats, which are becoming more. Not to mention the spectacle of hugs, tears and mother of those outputs notcustom to these effusions more than a very few moments, knowing that the whole scale of popular will rise like the foam because the common people like you these details so ... at ground level.
From now on, winning the World Cup Soccer, the magic will Paisy Toodoo our problems will be solved in a plis plas. The unemployed have a new job, the sick healed, the sweltering heat will be mitigated in various degrees, turning the channels meteorologíaa before the ozone layer, the economy starts up, and up and up ... in a completely surprising and unexpectedda, causing a sensation in international stock exchanges. Social services have to close their facilities, where overcrowding, lack of public, everyone will be happy and vacant apartments will be divided between those who are homeless shanty towns destroyed all vegetation and reforest land , which will be in common use. Temporary jobs will be abolished and everyone will have it fixed. The banks will receive commissions, and customers regalarána mortgaged the rest of the mortgages to absorb the state. Catalonia and the Basque Country even arise with the separation & oacuteupuesto for football than for research is a country of idiots ...

Well, that ...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Best Brazilian Wax Columbia Sc Illusion is my way, victory has been my fate

I'm gonna say that not everyone has said already, there are many feelings and few words to show how big, how huge this is.

remember, exactly one month ago, many fans who are now out screaming, jumping, drinking, celebrating ... not giving a cent for our selection. "Winning a World Cup? To many it seemed impossible. One thing is the Euro, they said, quite another to win a World Cup. They are Argentina, Brazil, Italy, England ...
sonreíay I just told them, and Spain, to reach the final. They looked at me, laughed and called me a dreamer.But today, just today, I'm the one who calls them fools, fools, not to believe, frightened by teams that are even that large, they could not make the cut.

Today, I raise my eyes to heaven, proud, and I see my town full of flags, shirts, happy people who do not look to be less, today we are all equal, now we are all English . And this is thanks to 23 little people, have played more or less, we have shown that losing a match is not lost a World Cup we have to scream, vibrate, curse, smile, sing, mourn ... but overall we have made them happy and what they are now. Iker

Thanks for showing you're not one of the best goalkeepers in the mup; rsquo, 70 or 2 meters to be huge, you've been and will continue until you retire. Thanks for making us scream your goal as if it were the last of our lives, thank you for making millions of people join just to show thanks for what you are.

tambiéna thank this great man, seer of the Forest "I keep saying all my life I prefer to Luis Aragones but Del Bosque is great, because he knew how to trust them, regardless of what it takes to make the changes has taken advantage of it, has shown that Luis Aragones is not, he's Vicente Del Bosque and he also knows how to win, although it has been found con a team already formed. Thank you mister, thank you very much for trusting them.

What else I can say? Now you know you feel it, I have written everything I can not express anything else, is a great and satisfying feeling that I have no words to describe them.

Just say that the world has set your feet, from New York to London to get to China, each and every one of them have surrendered to you, red and yellow have dominated the world for a few days , but here in your country is a feat that will last years, decades, centuries ... The children of children of children of all English & ntil

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Snow Tubing Kingvale, Ca Champions!

D E L M U N D O! !

is rare that I make an entry and rarer still that

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Long Travil Sandrails For Sale

お 誕生 日 おめでとうござい ま す ニノ!

Some icons for Nino's bday from Spain! Yaaaaay! I hope you like it Even if I'm not an artist: D
30 34 I can't remember where I took the scans from so if some are yours just tell me and I will credit. (It's the second time ever that I post icons so... any comment would be appreciated)
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Let's celebrate Nino's bday!!